About The Groom
Silver for breakfast, dining in style, grand display.
Used in private homes and across public dining rooms and hotels egg coddlers were a desirable table piece for elegant dining. Using an egg boiler or steamer, eggs could be prepared at the table and served hot and fresh to diners.
It is unusual to find an English Breakfast Egg Coddler, Boiler, Steamer that is complete!
We have some impressive egg coddlers, many with all original parts still in place. Most of our metal coddlers are in silver plate from 19th century silversmiths / makers including William Hutton, Walker & Hall and Mappin and Webb.
We have collated some with plain and simple design others have fabulous hand chasing and embossed decoration. We even have some later European copper examples.
Today this is a usable piece for all who enjoy eggs for breakfast and perfect for anyone who runs a Bed & Breakfast
Superb quality and a fabulous way to present boiled, scramble and poached eggs at breakfast time!
Use the cloche cover for lights out.
Ones without a burner, add water and some essential oil and burn it with a tea light.
Serving treats - fill with cashew nuts, jellybeans or any of your favourite snacks.
Use it as a centrepiece for Easter, or plant some mint in it.